Quizzes & Blog
Q6. Let us say we have a dataset with individual dietary habits. For each individual, we know the number of days per month of eating fruits, vegetables, junk food and sweets. We run an exploratory factor analysis because we would like to know whether we can define types of food choices based on the actual […]
Q5. Let us say we have users located in 3 countries. In the first country, there are 10,000 users, in the second country there are 3,000 users and in the third country there are 20,000 users. After sampling the data, 33% of cases seem to belong to the first country. What can we say about […]
Q4. It is very important for babies to eat well as to be healthy. In order to eat well, the babies should be willing to eat if proper meals are provided. Which is the correct causal model for the paths described above? a) Eating well -> being healthy -> willing to eat -> providing proper […]
Q3. After running different analyses, let us say that we found out that there are several types of buyers on a market. The typology is created based on types of products bought, frequency of purchase, the amount of money spent and socio-demographic characteristics. Which of the following sentences is true based on what we know? […]
Q2. The users of a platform are classified into active (coded with 1) or inactive members (coded with 0). This piece of information is gathered into a table with features of users. Each user has his or her unique line with different features on columns. We compute an average situation across the population of users. […]
Q1. We know theoretically that education is associated with income. Thus, we can say (only one correct answer): a) a correlation between the two variables will always be 1 b) individuals with high levels of educational status are more likely to have high levels of income c) education is similar across individuals independently of their […]